~~~~~~ 譯文初稿 ~~~~~~
相信每個小孩都有這樣的疑問:「聖誕老人是如何在一夜之間把所有的禮物分送完畢的呢?」由阿德曼動畫(Aardman)與新力影業動畫(Sony Pictures Animation)共同製作的3D電腦繪圖動畫片《聖誕快遞》,帶給我們一個全新的答案,那就是藏身在北極的超高科技運送系統。
※ 更多最新、最豐富的娛樂資訊,請上 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 官網 ~~
~~~~~~ 原文對照 ~~~~~~
Arthur Christmas
The 3D, CG-animated family comedy Arthur Christmas, an Aardman production for Sony Pictures Animation, at last reveals the incredible, never-before seen answer to every child's question: 'So how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night?' The answer: Santa's exhilarating, ultra-high-tech operation hidden beneath the North Pole. But at the heart of the film is a story with the ingredients of a Christmas classic - a family in a state of comic dysfunction and an unlikely hero, Arthur, with an urgent mission that must be completed before Christmas morning dawns.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.