

Winter Buttferfly.jpg



~~~~~~ 譯文初稿 ~~~~~~

由金智敏(Kim Gyoo-min)所執導的韓片《冬蝶(Winter Butterfly)》,劇情是真實發生在北韓的故事。年僅十一歲的俊浩(Jin-ho)與生病的母親相依為命,靠著撿柴木來賣維生。而俊浩最擔心的是母親日漸衰弱的身體,而且可能撒手人寰留下自己一人。  

有一天,俊浩因為自己的朋友跟母親起了口角,獨自一人來到山區撿拾木柴,然後發生一場意外迷失了路。俊浩的母親遍尋他卻毫無著落。在寒冷與飢餓連日夾攻下,俊浩設法平安離開山區,他知道摯愛的母親會在家裡等他。 但是,超乎俊浩所料想的是,這一切只是不幸的開端而已。 


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~~~~~~ 原文對照 ~~~~~~

Winter Buttferfly-Korean Movie

Korean movie "Winter Butterfly"' directed by Kim Gyoo-min is a real story happend in North Korea. Head of the household, 11 year-old Jin-ho lives with his sick mother who gathers and sells fire wood. The one thing Jin-ho is most scared about is his mother dying and being left alone in this world.

One day he has an argument with her about his friend and goes to the mountains alone to gather wood. However, he has an accident and loses his way. His mother looks for him everywhere but can't find him. Jin-ho wanders around cold and hunger for several days and manages to come down from the mountains safely. He thought of his loving mother who would be waiting for him at home.

But Jin-ho didn't know that everything that happened was just the beginning of unhappiness.


※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. 



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