榮獲葛萊美獎 (Grammy Award) 肯定的女歌手亞香緹 (Ashanti),六月二十二日在紐約中央車站 (Grand Central Terminal) 開唱。目前投入紐約城市中心 (New York City Center) 年度表演盛事安可系列 (Encores) 的亞香緹,在現場演唱了《綠野仙蹤 (The Wiz)》夏日群星版裡頭最受歡迎的歌曲《家 (Home)》,現場觀眾聽的是如癡如醉,好像回到了自己的家裡一樣。而亞香緹也在新版的《綠野仙蹤》裡飾演桃樂絲一角。
最原始的《綠野仙蹤》是1975年在百老匯所上演的,由史蒂芬妮‧米爾絲 (Stephanie Mills) 詮釋主角桃樂絲,並獲得七座托尼獎 (Tony Awards) 的肯定。而電影版的《綠野仙蹤》,則是在1978年時,由黛安娜‧蘿絲 (Diana Ross) 飾演桃樂絲一角。
亞香緹表示自己很榮幸能夠參與新版本《綠野仙蹤》的演出,她說:「《綠野仙蹤》是音樂劇代表作之一,能夠投入其中,絕對是美妙的一件事,也是個很棒的機會。」(show 6)
整個演唱活動由二十一世紀不動產公司 (Century 21 real estate sales company) 所籌劃發起,除了邀集亞香緹參與演出外,還宣布了〝通往夢想之路獎金 (Path To Your Dreams Sweepstakes) 〞活動,最後由來自喬治亞州 (Georgia) 多爾頓 (Dalton)的琴伯里‧葛林 (Kimberly Green) ,贏得了總獎金22萬一千美元的支票。擔任急診室護士的葛林表示,這筆錢將用來為家人購置新家。而亞香緹也表示,很高興能幫助一個家庭擁有一間房子,她說:「我認為參與慈善活動並且付出是很棒的。無論是《家》這首歌、二十一世紀不動產公司或是這筆獎金,對於貧窮的家庭來說,的的確確是上天的祝福。」(show 8)
最後這筆獎金,由二十一世紀不動產公司的總裁兼執行長湯姆‧亢茲(Tom Kunz),頒給葛林一家人。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Grammy award-winning singer Ashanti performs the hit song from The Wiz in New York. Grammy award-winning singer Ashanti performs the hit song from "The Wiz" at Grand Central Terminal.
STORY: Grammy Award-winning performer Ashanti made the crowd at New York's Grand Central Terminal feel at home when she sang on Monday (June 22). Ashanti is currently starring as Dorothy in the New York City Center's Encores! Summer Stars production of "The Wiz", and she sang the show-stopping song "Home" from the production.
Taking on the role of Dorothy in "The Wiz" puts Ashanti in very good company. Stephanie Mills performed the staring role during the original 1975 Broadway production that won seven Tony Awards, and Diana Ross played Dorothy in the 1978 film version of "The Wiz".
Ashanti said she is proud to be part of the new production. "The Wiz is such an iconic musical, just to be a part of something iconic as this is absolutely amazing. It was a wonderful opportunity," she said. (show 6)
The event was organized by Century 21 real estate sales company. In addition to Ashanti's performance, Century 21 also announced the grand prize winner of its "Path To Your Dreams Sweepstakes". Kimberly Green of Dalton, Georgia won a check for $221,000.
Green is an emergency room nurse and says the money will be used to help buy a new home for her family. Ashanti says she was happy to be a part of the event that helped one family get on the yellow brick road to home ownership. "To be involved in charity and giving back, and I think it was perfect, "Home" and Century 21, and donating the money to a needy family is definitely a blessing," she said. (show 8)
Tom Kunz, the President and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC, presented the award to the Green family.