



相信曾看過電影《星際迷航/星際爭霸戰 (Star Trek)》的觀眾朋友,一定對好萊塢男星艾瑞克巴納 (Eric Bana) 在片中的表現印象深刻。最近,這位在澳洲土生土長的男星,於美國翠貝卡 (Tribeca) 電影節上,推出他第一次擔任導演的電影作品《愛上野獸 (Love the Beast)》, 讓我們一塊來瞧瞧。


電影《愛上野獸》是一部紀錄片,以一台由福特汽車公司 (Ford) 1974推出的Falcon系列中的 coupe汽車,作為故事主軸。這部車從巴納十五歲起就開始陪伴著他一同成長,就像是他一輩子的朋友一樣。


巴納表示自己很喜歡汽車也經常賽車,卻沒有任何一部以汽車為主軸的電影,能夠如此的引起他的共鳴。他還表示這部電影不只是為愛車人士而拍攝,並解釋道片名中的〝野獸〞一詞,是一種象徵手法,用來比喻人們以生命來熱愛某種事物。巴納說:「我製作這部電影不是為了愛車人士,基本上是為了他們的夥伴、家人與朋友。我覺得這個故事會讓每個愛車的人心都有戚戚焉,這使我的情緒非常激昂。」(show 2)


巴納與他的密友花了幾年的時間來重整巴納的愛車。在整裝完畢後,巴納決定開著愛車,參加被公認為最危險與累人的塔嘎塔斯馬尼亞汽車拉力賽 (Targa Tasmania Rally)。巴納說:「這個汽車拉力賽我從十五歲就開始投入,一直到四十歲,而在參加過程中,我經歷了人生的三個轉變,從青少年變成年輕人然後成為一個父親。這部電影對我來說很有意義,它記錄了我在整個參賽過程中所經歷到的轉變。」(show 4)


電影中也把一些愛車人士、電視節目主持人傑雷諾(Jay Leno),以及電視心理學家菲爾麥克葛羅博士 (Dr. Phil McGraw) 等人的訪談收錄其中。目前在澳洲已經有一家戲院上映了這部電影,一位女性觀眾在看過這部電影後給了巴納印象深刻的反饋。巴納說:「到目前為止,我最喜歡的反饋來自一位女性,內容讓我感動,她寫道:『我要感謝你讓我了解我的哥哥與父親。我未曾真正的了解他們,直到今天我看了你的電影。』」(show 6)



 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 239 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )





INTRO: Actor Eric Bana's documentary makes its U.S. premiere at Tribeca.  Actor and Hollywood star, Eric Bana is in New York promoting his documentary film, "Love the Beast", in which he makes his directorial debut.


STORY: Actor Eric Bana chose to make his directorial debut with a documentary. "Love the Beast" is the story of Australian native Bana's 1974 Ford Falcon coupe -- which he has owned since he was 15 years old – and his relationship with lifetime friends.


Bana says he has always loved cars and racing cars, but no "car" film has ever resonated with him. Although the star of the latest "Star Trek" film says the film is not just for people who love cars.  "I didn't make the film for car people," he said, adding that the "beast" in the title is a metaphor for a passionate interest in people's lives. "The film is essentially for their partners, for their family, for their friends. I felt very passionately that that the story would resonate with anyone who has a huge interest." (show 2)


Bana and his close friends spent years lovingly restoring his coupe and then he deiced to enter himself and his car into what is considered to be the most grueling and dangerous motor race, the Targa Tasmania Rally.


"This journey for me is from age 15 to 40 and you can't help ignore the fact that you become three different people on that journey, from an adolescent to a young adult to a parent to a, you know, all these things, we all go through these changes and the film is as much to me about you know, the changes that we all go through and experience," said Bana.(show 4)


The film includes interviews with car fellow car enthusiast and television show host, Jay Leno, as well as other television personalities, Britain's "Top Gear" host Jeremy Clarkson and television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw, who discusses with Bana his attachment to his car.


The film has had a theater release in Australia and Bana says his favorite comment came from a women after a screening there.  "My favorite reaction so far was a lady that came up to me after a screening at home and was in tears and said 'I want to thank you', and I'm like 'For what?' and she said, 'For helping me understand my brother and my father. I never fully understood them until today,'" he said. (show 6)


 "Love the Beast" has its U.S. premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday (April 29).






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