



電影〝天使與惡魔〞在羅馬當地舉辦盛大的全球首映會,在首映會前的記者會上更是眾星雲集。導演羅恩霍華德 (Ron Howard) 於首映會前的記者會上,控訴羅馬教廷 (Vatican) 試圖妨礙電影〝天使與惡魔 (Angels & Demons)〞的拍攝與上映,並且要天主教徒先看過這部電影後再給予批評。 

布朗 (Dan Brown)  繼〝達芬奇密碼 (The Da Vinci Code)〞後所推出的續作,電影中虛構的符文學者羅伯特蘭東 (Robert Langdon),這回將重返大螢幕協助羅馬教廷拯救遭綁架的樞機主教,並且找尋正在倒數計時中的定時炸彈。


羅伯特蘭東一角的湯姆漢克斯 (Tom Hanks) ,認為電影所引發的爭論有助於票房,並且把爭論認為是令人發噱的調劑。漢克斯說:「我相信有神祕事件的存在,我是怎麼到這來的並且成為其中一員。每天我醒來就努力弄清楚到底發生什麼事情,以及如何度過這一天。我敬畏這一切卻也接納這一切。」(show 7)

派翠克麥克肯納 (Camerlengo Patrick McKenna) 的伊萬麥克格雷格 (Ewan McGregor) 表示,在電影拍攝過程中最難調適的是,如何在現實與電影中取得平衡,他說:「我認為最大的挑戰在於,如何在向他人展示這個角色是個什麼樣的人,與實際上到底如何進行,並且從中取得平衡。」(show 11)

作家丹布朗拒絕談論下一部關於蘭東冒險小說的內容,而出版商則透漏表示書名定為〝失落符號 (The Lost Symbol)〞,並預計在九月發行。不過布朗倒是暗示羅恩霍華德依舊是將他作品改拍為電影的最佳導演人選,並表示除了故事本身需要之外,新作將不會因為任何人或是道德考量而做出改變。由霍華德負責改拍的電影〝達芬奇密碼〞儘管飽受抨擊,卻在全球締下七億五千萬的票房佳績。





 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 238 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: "Angels & Demons" set for glitzy Rome premiere. Stars attend a press conference ahead of the world premiere of 'Angels and Demons' in Rome.  

STORY: Director Ron Howard accused the Vatican on Sunday of trying to hamper the filming and the presentation of his new movie 'Angels & Demons', and challenged Catholic critics to see the film before condemning it. 

The movie sequel to author Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' will premiere in Rome on Monday, with fictional symbologist Robert Langdon returning to the big screen to help the Vatican rescue kidnapped cardinals and find a ticking time-bomb. 

The Catholic Church was outraged by 'The Da Vinci Code' and the Rome archdiocese denied Howard authorisation to film inside its churches for the sequel. But Howard said the Vatican also exerted its influence "through backchannels" to prevent him from shooting the outside of churches in the background of scenes and even got a Saturday event related to the film's release cancelled.

The storyline of "Angels & Demons" does not question Jesus Christ but it is billed as a "science-vs-religion" thriller that deals with an attempt to hijack a papal election.  Despite some comments in Italy and the United States, the Church reaction to 'Angels & Demons' has not been as thunderous as it was with the release of 'The Da Vinci Code'. 

Tom Hanks, who again stars as Langdon, acknowledged that films thrive on controversy. He turned the controversy into a comic relief anyway. "I do believe in mystery. How I go here, being one of them. Every day I wake up and I try to figure out what the heck is going on and how do I make it through to the end of the day. I worship, I embrace it," Hanks said. (show 7) 

Dan Brown refused to discuss his next novel about Langdon's adventures, which publisher Random House has said will be called 'The Lost Symbol' and which will be released in September. But Brown suggested that Howard was the ideal director for a film adaptation of the new book. Brown said that there were not changes trying to appease anyone, or for any sort of ethical or moral reasons. Changes were really just to serve the story.  Howard's adaptation of "The Da Vinci Code", which was panned by critics, earned more $750 million at the box office worldwide.

Ewan McGregor, who plays Camerlengo Patrick McKenna in 'Angels and Demons' pointed out that the hardest thing he had to deal with whilst making the film was the need to find between reality and the movie. "I suppose that the most challenge thing about it was playing the two levels of what he is showing to the people around about him and what is actually going on and trying to balance the two," McGregor said. (show 11)






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