


相信觀眾朋友對於導演喬納森戴米(Jonathan Demme)應該不陌生,他在1991年以驚悚片〝沉默的羔羊(The Silence of the Lambs)〞,贏得五項奧斯卡獎的肯定,更在1993年拍出膾炙人口、描寫愛滋病的電影〝費城故事(Philadelphia)〞。現在,喬納森戴米將與螢幕形象一向清新的安妮海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)合作,推出電影新作〝蕾切爾的婚禮(Rachel Getting Married)〞,將帶給影迷不同的感受。




以電影〝公主日記(The Princess Diaries)〞與〝時尚女魔頭(The Devil Wears Prada)〞,成功打下鄰家女孩清新形象的海瑟薇,認為金一角是她目前演藝生涯中,演過最為複雜的人物。對於海瑟薇在劇中的表現,《好萊塢記者報(the Hollywood Reporter)》讚譽表示:「她讓整部電影有了清楚的焦點,值得獲獎肯定」,而雜誌《綜藝(Variety)》也肯定海瑟薇的演技。不過,海瑟威在接受訪問時則表示,自己對於是否獲獎肯定,並沒有想太多。


導演喬納森戴米在談到海瑟薇的演出時表示:「海瑟薇在片中表現的可圈可點,沒有人可以比她更為出色,她的表現甚至可以說是無人能及。」( shows 12 )


此外,片中飾演這個不正常家庭中個性冷漠母親一角的黛布拉溫格(Debra Winger),她那簡練卻又強烈的演技,也深獲好評。例如《銀幕日報 (Screen Daily)》就表示,曾三度榮獲奧斯卡提名的溫格,讓觀眾對於片中母親這個配角,印象深刻。







※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 207 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: 'Rachel getting married' generates early oscar buzz.  Anne Hathaway's dark role in "Rachel Getting Married", which premiered this week in Venice, is generating early Oscar buzz, with several critics hailing her departure from previous fairytale and comic characters.



STORY: In the family drama directed by Jonathan Demme, Hathaway plays Kym, a recovering drug addict who checks out of a rehabilitation centre to attend her sister's wedding. Her acerbic one-liners and need for attention serve as the catalysts for long-simmering family tensions to come to the boil, forcing her to confront her sense of guilt over the death of her little brother.


"An award-worthy Anne Hathaway gives the story a clear central focus," wrote the Hollywood Reporter , while rival trade publication Variety  called her "fragile, angry, superb."


Hathaway, best known for her girl-next-door performances in "The Princess Diaries" and "The Devil Wears Prada", told Reuters on Thursday (September 4) it was too early to think about awards. "It's the beginning of September and if I started being concerned about buzz now I would never make it through Christmas," Hathaway said in an interview. ""


"As terrific as she is in this film, and no one could have been better , it doesn't even scratch the surface of what she is capable of doing. It's an indication of what she's got going on, but she going to go all the way," director Jonathan Demme said. ( shows 12 )  Hathaway has said Kym was the most complex role she had taken on so far.


Critics also praised Debra Winger's brief but intense performance in the film as the dysfunctional family's aloof mother. Screen Daily  said three-time Oscar nominee Winger had made the small supporting role memorable.


"'Rachel Getting Married (蕾切爾的婚禮)' will undoubtedly be up for awards consideration in the major categories," it wrote. Most critics said the movie helped lift a weaker-than-usual lineup at the Venice film festival this year, and Hathaway's appearance on the red carpet gave the festival a welcome touch of Hollywood glamour.


Demme's previous films include 1991 thriller "The Silence of the Lambs", which won five Oscars, and 1993 AIDS drama "Philadelphia".





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