




阿托姆伊高安(Atom Egoyan)所執導的電影〝虛擬虛憶/愛慕(Adoration)〞,劇情架構探討人際關係與科技間的關連,並且檢視其中錯縱複雜的糾葛。演員陣容則集結了斯科特斯比德曼(Scott Speedman)、雷切爾布蘭切特(Blanchard)與戴文博斯蒂克(Devon Bostick)等。


由博斯蒂克所飾演的青少年賽門(Simon)是本片的重心。由於賽門的父母親在一場車禍中雙亡,成為孤兒的賽門便和叔叔同住在一塊。過了幾年之後,賽門在課堂上被要求重新拼湊一樁恐怖主義陰謀與他父母親之間的關連。賽門所編造出來的情節,讓他得以藉機窺探家族的秘密,不過最後卻也弄得一發不可收拾。博斯蒂克說:「劇中賽門必須在網路上自吹自壘所編纂的故事情節,這引來許多人對於恐怖主義與賽門家族的各種想法。而片中最主要的是,在過程之中,賽門是如此的蒙昧,他的身份是假的。」(show 2)


長久以來一直對溝通與科技所扮演的角色感到興趣的導演阿托姆伊高安 (Atom Egoyan),在談論這部電影時說:「我們一直擁有與其他人取得聯繫的巨大力量,這是在過去的世界所無法想像的。但是,我們仍然必須存在於現實生活之中,與其他人有實際的人際交流,而且這將決定我們成為什麼樣的人。網路與科技讓我們能夠進入到全然不同的世界裡,不過其重要性卻不如我們在實際生活中所體驗到的一切。」(show 4)


片中飾演賽門叔叔一角的斯比德曼,在談論這部電影時說:「這是一部以家庭為主軸的電影。以我所飾演的角色來說,我認為重點落在這個角色與賽門和家族成員間的情感關係,還有這個角色來自哪裡,以及為了拯救賽門在過程中所遭受到的羞辱。」(show 6)





※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 239 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )




INTRO:  "Adoration" examines the dark relationship between technology,


humanity and terrorism  The movie, 'Adoration' looks at technology and its impact on human relationships.


STORY: The film 'Adoration' juxtaposes human connections with the advent of technology and examines its complex relationship.  Directed by Atom Egoyan, the movie stars Scott Speedman and Rachel Blanchard, and new comer Devon Bostick.


The movie's plot centers on a teenager, Simon, played by Bostick, who lives with his uncle (Scott Speedman). The father crashes his family car, killing both himself and his wife, making Simon into an orphan.  Years later, Simon re-imagines that a news item about a terrorist plot he is asked to study in school, is his own family's story with the terrorist standing in for his father. Assuming a false identity which allows him to probe his family secret, he creates a situation where the results spiral out of control, Newcomer Devon Bostick plays Simon in the film.


Said Bostick, "One of them was that I got to preach to these people on the Internet.  These giant monologues that bring up a lot of ideas about terrorism and my family and how people think abou those subjects. The main thing is how dark he got to get during the story. He has this false identity." (show 2)


Director Atom Egoyan, who has long been interested in the concept of communication and the role of technology, talks about the message of the movie. Said Egoyan, "We have an incredible ability to be in touch with each other all the time. There is [are] worlds we have access to that we could not have dreamt of before. But we still have to exist in a physical space. We still have to have physical relationships with people and that ultimately determines what we become. The Internet and these technologies gives us access to whole different worlds but they can't really be as substantial as our journey in the physical world."


Actor Scott Speedman, who stars alongside Bostick as his uncle and mentor, discusses the human aspect of the film. Said Speedman, "Its a family story and a drama more than anything. There are all these issues that come up but especially for my character I just looked at it as my relationship with the boy and my family and where I come from and the abuses I suffered at in trying to save this boy in going through the same thing." (show 6)


The movie "Adoration" opens in theaters across the U.S. in early May.





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