


儘管全世界正處於經濟衰退當中,不過全球電影票房在2008年時,依舊提高了五個百分點,達到281億美元。看來影迷們試著藉由電影裡頭的超級英雄,來挨過手頭拮據的時刻。美國電影協會 (The Motion Picture Association of America) 表示,相較於2007年,光在美國與加拿大兩地的票房就達到98億美元,上升了1.7個百分點,占全球總票房的三成五;至於其他地區票房合計則創下183億美元的新高紀錄,上升了7個百分點。


這樣亮眼的票房成績不能完全歸功於票價的上漲,在2008年第四季時,票房就提高了百分之七,而到了2009年的前十個禮拜,票房更提高了百分之八。看來這正好驗證了好萊塢的經驗法則:在經濟不寬裕的年代,人們更愛上電影院尋求解脫。傳媒精神醫學博士凱羅爾李柏曼說 (Dr. Carole Lieberman):「民眾很樂意花錢上戲院去,因為你不用到處亂跑,感覺像是被隔絕了一樣,而這正好為你抵檔住戲院外惱人的生活鎖事。」(shows 6)


不過經濟衰退未必總是會幫好萊塢電影帶來大筆鈔票。電影票房統計網站 Mojo 的總裁布蘭登葛雷 (Brandon Gray) 就表示,經濟不景氣不一定會讓電影票房增加,重點是電影本身好不好看,才是觀眾掏錢的關鍵。舉例來說,例如電影〝暮色/暮光之城 (Twilight)〞,由於受到青少年族群的熱烈喜愛,票房因此超過三億七千五百萬;而電影〝平民百萬富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire)〞則因為席捲奧斯卡獎,因而在全球擁有三億一千萬的票房。葛雷說:「答案很簡單,就是電影本身決定票房。每周都有不同的電影推出,而觀眾會花錢上戲院去看特別的電影。」(shows 11)


而現在,好萊塢則是不斷推出強檔劇作。拜3D動畫技術所賜,電影〝怪獸大戰外星人 (Monsters vs. Aliens)〞開出紅盤,目前票房累計達五千九百三十萬美元。而在春季末尾與即將來臨的夏天,又將上映好幾部強檔電影,包括〝 X戰警:金鋼狼 (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)〞、〝星際迷航 (Star Trek)〞與〝哈利波特 (Harry Potter)〞最新續作。看來在經濟不景氣的大環境下,好萊塢早已虎視眈眈影迷的荷包了!





 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 234 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )







INTRO: Global box office hits record sales despite recession. Despite a global economic recession, the box office is surging with record profits and increased attendance. With Hollywood's summer blockbusters just around the corner, the film world is proving itself a rescission-proof industry.



STORY: Despite a worldwide economic recession, the global movie box office rose 5 percent to a record 28.1 billion dollars in 2008 as fans sought to escape tough economic times through the triumphs of superheroes in films like "The Dark Knight," and "Iron Man." The Motion Picture Association of America said domestic ticket sales in the United States and Canada reached 9.8 billion dollars, up 1.7 percent from 2007, and accounted for 35 percent of the worldwide total. The box office in international markets, excluding Canada, climbed to a record 18.3 billion dollars, up 7 percent from 2007.


And those numbers are not just the result of higher ticket prices: admissions rose 7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 and eight percent in the first 10 weeks of 2009.  The rise underscores an old rule in Hollywood that in tough times, people go to the movies for escape. "People are willing to spend money to go to the movies because there is a kind of cocoon-like feeling that you don't get anywhere else, that can actually serve as a barrier against all the problems that you have in the outside world," said Media Psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman.


But recession does not always equal big money for Hollywood films. President of Box Office Mojo, Brandon Gray said that box office sales did not always increase with previous recessions, leading him to believe it's just a matter of how good the films are.  Long story short, if there are good films out, people will pay to see them. For proof, just examine movies like "Twilight" that, thanks to its huge teen following, took in more than 375 million dollars, and "Slumdog Millionaire" which, thanks to its enormous Oscars sweep, earned more than 310 million dollars globally. "The simple answer is, it's the movies.  The movies, week in and week out, drive the box office.  If the movies aren't there, the box office isn't there.  People go to see specific movies," said Gray.


And right now, Hollywood's on a roll.  "Monsters vs. Aliens" opened strong with 59.3 million dollars, helped by the hype over its 3D animation.  And late spring and summer's line up features a host of ready-made blockbusters that promise to keep Hollywood riding the wave of recession-proof profits. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," "Star Trek" and the newest "Harry Potter" installment will all be begging for those recession dollars.





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