

英國女星凱特貝金塞爾 (Kate Beckinsale) 主演由羅德勞瑞 (Rod Lurie) 所執導的電影新作〝真相至上 (Nothing But The Truth)〞,劇情描述一位年輕女記者,因為拒絕向政府透露機密,而被迫面臨種種困境。


由貝金塞爾所詮釋的瑞秋阿姆絲壯 (Rachel Armstrong) 是一位華盛頓郵報的專欄記者。在一次調查性的新聞寫作中,瑞秋報導了一位中情局幹員所提供的資訊,政府因而要求瑞秋供出資訊來源。由於瑞秋拒絕合作,因而入獄。


貝金塞爾表示扮演堅強而不完美的女主角,讓她過足戲癮。她說:「電影中我所飾演的角色,是一位平凡的年輕女性,過著優渥的生活,從很棒的大學畢業,結了婚也有了小孩。由於她欺騙了全體工作同事,因此壞事接踵而至,迫使她請求各種知道或不知道的援助,也犧牲了很多。我認為她所作的決定有對有錯,而這也是扮演一位有缺陷英雄人物最迷人之處,那就是不需要總是作出正確的選擇。」 (shows 2)


電影〝真相至上〞的劇情靈感,有部份源自現實生活中前中情局女諜員瓦萊里佩雷姆 (Valerie Plame) ,與紐約時報記者茱迪斯米勒 (Judith Miller) 的故事 。貝金塞爾在談到這部電影所要傳達的訊息時說:「瑞秋這個鮮明的角色,捍衛自己對於新聞自由的信念,我完全同意這點。我喜歡一部電影能讓觀眾思考以往未曾深究過的議題,或是探討劇中角色的行為,那些是該作的,而哪些不該作的。而我很高興〝真相至上〞就是這樣的一部電影。」(shows 6)


貝金塞爾因為飾演瑞秋一角,獲得廣播影評協會 (Critics' Choice Awards) 最佳女演員的提名。而一同參與演出的,還有艾倫阿爾達 (Alan Alda)、安吉拉貝賽特 (Angela Bassett)、維拉法梅加 (Vera Farmiga)與馬特狄龍 (Matt Dillon)。電影〝真相至上〞目前只有在紐約與洛杉磯兩地上映,預計在200919日時,其他地區也能看到這部電影。






※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 219 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: New Kate Beckinsale movie opens British actress Kate Beckinsale stars in the new film "Nothing But The Truth" directed by Rod Lurie. The story profiles the hardships a young reporter in Washington, D.C. is forced to endure for refusing to reveal her source to the government. Alan Alda, Angela Bassett, and Matt Dillon also star in the movie. "Nothing But The Truth" is now playing in New York and Los Angeles.


STORY: British actress Kate Beckinsale stars in the new film "Nothing But The Truth" directed by Rod Lurie. The story profiles the hardships a young reporter is forced to endure for refusing to reveal confidential information to the government.


Rachel Armstrong (Beckinsale) is a columnist for a major Washington, D.C. newspaper. When she publishes the identity of a covert CIA agent in the course of her investigative journalism work, the government demands the identity of her source. Her unwillingness to cooperate with a U.S. District Court judge lands her in jail.


Beckinsale said she enjoyed playing a strong, yet imperfect, female lead. "I really liked the fact that my character begins the movie as a, you know, ordinary young women who's had a reasonably privileged life. She's been to a great college, she's married, she has a child, and she's juggling all that stuff. But then various circumstances that happen in the movie, she's forced to really call on all the resources that she may or may not have ever known she even had. And has to sacrifice a lot. And I think she makes some great decisions and some wrong decisions. And there's something very attractive about getting to play a heroic, flawed person who doesn't necessarily always do the right thing." (shows 2)


"Nothing But The Truth" is partly inspired by the real-life experiences of former CIA operative Valerie Plame and New York Times reporter Judith Miller. Beckinsale discussed the message conveyed in the film. "My character is obviously standing up for her belief in the First Amendment," shared the 35-year-old actress. "And I absolutely agree with that. I like a movie that leaves you may be coming out thinking about something that you haven't necessarily thought about before. Or having an argument about what you think the character should or shouldn't have done. And I think that that happens with this movie, so I'm glad." (shows 6)


Beckinsale received a Critics' Choice Awards Best Actress nomination for the role. Actors Alan Alda, Angela Bassett, Vera Farmiga, and Matt Dillon also star in the movie. "Nothing But The Truth" is now playing in New York and Los Angeles. The film is scheduled for wider release on January 9, 2009.










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