

配音:世界衛生組織(the World Health OrganizationWHO)於星期六(1213)表示,這名確定感染禽流感H5N1高致命性病毒的十九歲少年,曾經食用過死亡的禽鳥肉。而這也是柬埔寨過去十八個月以來,所傳出第一樁人類染上禽流感的病例。

 世界衛生組織柬埔寨代表米歇爾歐里瑞博士 ( Dr. Michael J. O'Leary )說:「這是過去一年半以來第一起人類感染禽流感的病例。所以我們很慶幸禽流感在柬埔寨這裡,似乎不是無時無刻都在散布與傳染。但是我們會持續密切注意柬埔寨當地情況,並且繼續關心感染病例。」( shows 9 )




※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO:  Cambodia man diagnosed with bird flu.  A 19-year-old Cambodian man is confirmed of having bird flu and is undergoing treatment at a hospital in the capital.


STORY: A 19-year-old Cambodian who ate dead poultry has been confirmed with H5N1 bird flu, the country's first human case in more than 18 months, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday (December 13). The man is the eighth person in Cambodia to have contracted bird flu since the first case in 2005.


"This is the first confirmed human case in more than a year and half. So we were fortunate that it doesn't seem to be to even spreading in anytime recently in Cambodia but we keep a close watch here and we keep a close watch around the world for that event," said the World Health Organization's (WHO) Cambodian representative Dr. Michael J. O'Leary. (shows 9)


The infected man was in stable condition in the capital's Calmette hospital, Sok Touch, head of the Health Ministry's Communicable Diseases department, said in a statement.  The patient, who came from the province of Kandal, about 50 km (30

miles) south of Phnom Penh, fell ill on Nov. 28 but was only confirmed as having bird flu on Thursday (December 11).


All seven of Cambodia's previous cases have died.  Since H5N1 resurfaced in Asia in 2003 it has killed more than 200 people in a dozen countries, according to the WHO.  Experts fear the constantly mutating H5N1 virus could change into a form easily transmitted from person to person and potentially kill millions worldwide.




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