
INTRO: In a controversial ruling, a German court is allowing a Dutch Internet
pharmacy to operate a branch in Germany.

The ruling came on Wednesday (August 9) after a pharmacist in the
southwestern city of Saarbruecken filed a complaint against a local branch of
the Dutch Doc Morris Internet pharmacy. The pharmacist had argued that German
law only allowed pharmacists and not corporations to open pharmacies, but Doc
Morris said the German chemists were only worried about their own monopoly on
"We expected the court's decision, and are allowed to continue
trading, it shows that German law has to adhere to EU law and this means the
consumer benefits," said Pascal Strauss, the manager of the Doc Morris
pharmacy in Saarbruecken..
And consumers certainly seemed to appreciate the lower prices, the
store was packed with customers after the decision came out.

But critics say that the decision will hurt the country's high standard
for pharmacies, a view backed by the German Pharmasists Association.

The Minister for Health, Social and Justice in Saarland, who allowed
the decision denies this.
"The quality of the service being provided to the consumer is not
effected at all by the legal status of the company providing the
chemist," he said.
At the moment the decision on the quality of the products is being
decided by the consumer though, and they are deciding out of their




一位位於薩爾布呂肯市(Saarbruecken)西南的藥劑師,針對荷蘭網路藥局「莫立斯醫生(Doc Morris)」於當地設立分店一事,向法院提起控告;法院對此控告,於星期三(八月九日)作成判決。

這名藥劑師主張,德國法律只允許個別藥劑師單獨營業,而不准許其共同經營藥局。但是荷蘭網路藥局「莫立斯醫生(Doc Morris)」則表示,德國藥劑師們,只在乎他們是否能操控藥品市場的價格。

荷蘭網路藥局「莫立斯醫生(Doc Morris)」於薩爾布呂肯市的負責人,帕斯卡‧史特勞斯 (Pascal Strauss) 表示:「我們已預料到法院所作成的判決結果,如今我們仍得以繼續營業。這表示德國的法律,仍須遵守歐盟所訂定的規則;同時也意味著消費者的利益優先」。


然而評論家則表示,這樣的判決結果,將破壞德國對於藥品銷售的高標準。這個看法,獲得德國藥劑師協會( the German Pharmacists Association )的支持。

薩爾 (Saarland) 的衛生、內政暨司法部長,支持法院所作成的判決,並否定評論家的看法。他表示:「轉由藥局的藥劑師提供藥品給消費者,在服務品質上並不會有任何影響」。



一名德国西南城市萨尔布吕肯(Saarbruecken)的药剂师,曾针对荷兰网路药局「莫立斯医生(Doc Morris)」於当地开设分店一事,向法院提起控告;法院星期三作出了允许营业的裁决。

「莫立斯医生(Doc Morris)」於萨尔布吕肯市的负责人史特劳斯 (Pascal Strauss) 说∶法院的裁决表明德国的法律仍须遵守欧盟所订立的规则;同时也意味著消费者的利益优先。


虽然一些批评者称,这样将破坏德国对於药品销售的高标准。但萨尔兰的卫生部长则认为,服务品质不会受到影响, 现在药品的品质是由消费者所决定,然而消费者在下决定时,往往取决於口袋里的荷包。

Edited by - shellyg on 08/11/2006 09:22:46


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