
INTRO : Boats, planes seek hundreds missing in ferry sinking.  

Rescuers found two bodies and 74 people alive. The ferry Senopati Nusantara carried 605 people, including 63 crew, according to the manifest, a navy spokesman said. Transportation Minister Hatta Rajasa said the ship was on fire before it sank at about midnight on Friday (December 29).

Ships and ferries are a popular means of transport among
Indonesia's 17,000 islands, where sea connections are cheaper and more available than air routes. However, safety standards are not always enforced, and accidents occur fairly often.

More than 500 people were still missing in stormy seas off Indonesia's Java island on Sunday (December 31), more than 24 hours after a ferry from Borneo capsized(
翻覆), officials said. The sinking was the second Indonesian ferry disaster in as many days after a vessel() overturned(翻覆) on Thursday (December 28) in rough(暴風雨的) seas off Sumatra(蘇門達臘島). High seas and bad weather hampered rescue efforts after the latest disaster, officials said on Saturday (December 30).


(1231)表示,來自婆羅洲(Borneo)的渡輪在印尼爪哇島(Indonesia's Java island)外海翻覆已經超過二十四小時,目前仍有五百多名的乘客生死未卜。


(Senopati Nusantara)一共搭載了六百零五個人,其中有六十三人為船員。印尼交通部長哈塔‧羅加薩(Hatta Rajasa)表示,在週五(1219)半夜,努聖塔拉號先起火而後沉沒。




【標題】印尼渡船沉沒數百人遇難   在線 下載 

【主播】印尼海軍官員表示,星期六〈12月30日〉晚上,一艘載有600名乘客的商業客船,航行于婆羅洲〈Borneo〉和爪哇島〈Java islands〉間時,遇天候不佳,而導致沉船。





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