
由湯米‧裡‧鐘斯(Tommy Lee Jones)、賈維爾‧巴爾登(Javier Bardem)與喬希‧布魯林(Josh Brolin)等影星所共同主演的電影〝老無所依(No Country For Old Men)〞,是兄弟檔導演喬爾‧柯恩與伊森‧柯恩( Joel and Ethan Coen)的另一黑色幽默經典劇作。

普利策獎(Pulitzer Prize)得主科馬克·麥卡錫(Cormac McCarthy)同名小說,對於擅長以電影探討美國當地灰暗面生活的柯恩兄弟而言,無疑是絕佳電影題材。電影背景的時間設定在1980年代,地點則位於美國德州與墨西哥之間的邊境荒蕪地帶,不過內容卻與現代無隔閡,以好人與壞人間的對決作為劇情主軸。

麥卡錫小說後的感想表示:「喔!我記得剛開始讀這本小說的時候,覺的它很像是電影劇本,而我還無法理解麥卡錫為何以這種方式寫作。後來我覺得這本小說,是我所見過最適合拿來作為電影劇本的了。然後我感覺到在麥卡錫內心深處,一定有什麼是他所想要表達的,而且相當重要。」【shows 8

至於本片的劇情內容,是從布魯林所飾演的李維林‧莫斯(Llewelyn Moss)開始的。莫斯很幸運地被一大筆錢所絆倒,不過這些錢卻來自毒品交易,因此撿到錢的莫斯開始遭遇一連串的不幸事件,特別是當莫斯被一位兇殘的殺手追殺時,更有了喪命的危機。這名使用一把氣體加壓槍來追殺獵物的殺手,是由賈維爾‧巴爾登所飾演,他會以擲硬幣的方式來決定目標的生死。另一方面,負責偵辦這起案件的,則是由鐘斯所飾演的年邁、毫無願景的德州警長,因為殺手相當神祕而且聰明,讓警長束手無策。由於飾演殺手一角而與導演柯恩兄弟密切合作的賈維爾‧巴爾登,在柯恩兄弟把小說改編成電影時,提供了自己的想法。

電影〝老無所依〞在美國的德州與新墨西哥州進行拍攝工作,取用美國西部的荒涼景色來增添劇情的真實感。演員喬希‧布魯林讓導演把他形塑成一名絕望的男子,並且進行他原先認為天衣無縫的犯罪計畫。布魯林表示:「每件事情都因為導演柯恩兄弟而變得很棒。電影的取景成為電影本身的一個特色。看看同樣出自柯恩兄弟之手的電影〝冰風暴(Fargo)〞與〝霹靂高手(O Brother Where Art Thou?)〞,取景在電影〝老無所依〞中,變的成熟而且多面向。在這部電影中我沒有太多的對話,所以會去感受當地的環境與地勢,是如此的惡劣與糟糕」【shows 13

繼威尼斯電影節(the Venice Film Festival)之後,九月份時,電影〝老無所依〞也在多倫多電影節(the Toronto Film Festival)上進行首映,隨後獲得正面的回應。而在119日,這部電影將在美國部份地區上映。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin attend Los Angeles premiere of "No Country for Old Men". Filmmaking brothers Joel and Ethan Coen bring the acclaimed novel by Pulitzer Prize Winning author Cormac McCarthy to the big screen with "No Country for Old Men," a western-inspired crime thriller starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin.

STORY: Joel and Ethan Coen(
柯恩兄弟) bring their trademark dark humor to the big-screen version of acclaimed novel "No Country For Old Men," a modern American western style film starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin.  

The novel, written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Cormac McCarthy, is an updated version of a good guy vs. bad guy story set near the desolate Texas-Mexico border in the 1980s, and proved to be excellent source material for the Coen brothers, whose films regularly tend to delve into the seedier side of life in America. 

 "Oh, I remember thinking as soon as I read it that, gosh, this looks like the treatment for a screenplay, I wonder why Cormac did that, and my second thought was, this reads like the best treatment for a screenplay that I've ever read, and then thirdly I thought that he's got something on his mind, which could be rather important," says actor Tommy Lee Jones,recalling his thoughts while reading McCarthy's novel. 

"No Country for Old Men" tells the story of Llewelyn Moss (Brolin), who by fortune or misfortune stumbles upon a large sum of money from a drugs deal gone bad, which starts a deadly chain reaction of events as Moss is pursued by a violent killer (Bardem) who wields a gun that uses pressurized air to kill its victims.  Following the case is an aging, disillusioned Texas sheriff (Jones) who is powerless to stop the mysterious mastermind killer who flips coins for human lives.  Javier Bardem, who worked closely with the Coens in bringing his character to life, offered his insight on adapting such a descriptive novel for the big screen.

The film, which was shot on location in Texas and New Mexico, uses the desolate landscapes of the American west to add to the haunting story told in "No Country For Old Men," which actor Josh Brolin allowed to shape his performance as desperate man committing what he thinks to be the perfect crime.  "Everything.  It became, that's the great thing about the Coens, that the landscape became a character unto itself, you know?  You look at "Fargo," you look at "O Brother Where Art Thou?" and you know, it becomes a full-blown, multi-faceted character, and you know, me, I don't have a lot of dialogue in this film, so you're reacting off the land, the terrain -- mean, bad, bad, horrible," says actor Josh Brolin on the landscapes used in "No Country For Old Men."

 "No Country For Old Men" debuted strongly at the Toronto Film Festival in September and received positive reception shortly after that at the Venice Film Festival.  It opens in a limited release in the United States on November 9.



由湯米‧裡‧鐘斯(Tommy Lee Jones)、賈維爾‧巴爾登(Javier Bardem)與喬希‧布魯
林(Josh Brolin)等影星所共同主演的電影〝老無所依(No Country For Old Men)〞,是
兄弟檔導演喬爾‧柯恩與伊森‧柯恩( Joel and Ethan Coen)的另一黑色幽默經典劇

本片劇情改編自普利策獎(Pulitzer Prize)得主科馬克•麥卡錫(Cormac McCarthy)的同

內心深處,一定有什麼是他所想要表達的,而且相當重要。」【shows 8】

至於本片的劇情內容,是從布魯林所飾演的李維林‧莫斯(Llewelyn Moss)開始的。莫斯

暴(Fargo)〞與〝霹靂高手(O Brother Where Art Thou?)〞,取景在電影〝老無所依〞
與地勢來做出反應,真是如此的惡劣與糟糕(註5)。」【shows 13】

繼威尼斯電影節(the Venice Film Festival)之後,九月份時,電影〝老無所依〞也在
多倫多電影節(the Toronto Film Festival)上進行首映,隨後獲得正面的回應。而在11


(註 2&3)用"僅" 和 "desperate:孤注一擲" 感覺更貼切一點

※ 感謝 Amanda Liu 的校稿


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